Marina, Sequoyah Park

Marina, Sequoyah Park

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Another daily painting limited palette study, Topsy, oil on board, 6x8 inches

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

At the Lake

Here is another limited palette study using only Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Red , Ultramarine Blue and Titanium White.  Oil on Linen Covered Board 6x8 inches.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Light My Zippo

Here is the new Daily Paintworks Challenge.  Oil on Linen Covered Board 6x6 inches
This is not a subject that I would normally choose but what a painting workout it turned out to be.  Only Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine Blue and Titanium White so the whole painting relies on values and temperature changes obtained with those three colors.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Evening Comes Early

Evening Comes Early, Oil on Board 9x12 inches
This painting shows Mack standing on the bridge to the old Tulsa Zoo entrance in Mohawk Park.  We had been at the Zoo all day and were leaving about 5:30 pm and what struck me about the scene was the evening sky rolling in and the warm glow it cast on such a cold grey day.  I tried to get the feel of it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mollie's Rose

I am dedicating today's painting to Mollie, our 13 year old dear dog friend that passed last week.  She was an important part of our lives and a dedicated loving companion.  We will miss her. Oil on canvas 6x8 inches.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ten Minute Eggs

Here are my 10 Minute Eggs, this is a 6x8 inch oil on canvas.  I divided the canvas into 6 sections and painted the same egg in each section setting a timer for each one for 10 minutes.  Total time for the whole painting 60 minutes.  I did change the color of the cloth under the egg, it's position and the lighting.  This was done based on the Daily Painting Weekly Challenge Group. I am going to include a link in my areas of interest.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Notans and Value Studies

I have been doing a series of Notans and Value Study paintings for my work at Virtual Art Academy.  The Notans are quick one to three inch studies done with a brush pen and the Value paintings are mostly 6 x 8 inch oils on canvas paper, except for the last one which is 6 inch square.  I think I am learning alot by doing these and may have a couple from this selection that grow up to become paintings at some point.

These two are from a sketch I worked on in Cathy Johnsons online Sketching and Drawing class.  I had sketched this scene  several times in different materials and here is the Notan and Value painting.

This is a scene that is close to my home and on one of my bike routes.

Here is a scene from Riverparks in Tulsa, early in the morning.

This one is Mack on a Turkey Mountain trail hike we did last Fall.

This is a musician from the Oklahoma Scottish Festival last Fall.  This project has been alot of work but I am feeling more confident about approaching my painting.  I would be very interested in any comments about it.